Important Member Update: COVID Vaccination Requirements - Final Notice
XS Fitness remind any members who have not yet sent through their digital certificates showing their double vaccination stats to do so urgently.
Please email us your digital certificates ASAP, but no later than 29th of January 2022. Members who have not provided us with a digital certificate by 0900 on the 31st of January will have their access key deactivated and will not be able to enter the building.
Every vaccination certificate we receive noted as sighted, and valid against that member’s profile, allowing your continued access after January 31st. Members who fail to provide their certificate before this date will have their access key deactivated until we receive their certificates.
How do I Send my Proof of Vaccination?
- Subject Line – First & Last Name
- Email body to include your DOB and Mobile Number
- Attachment of Proof can only be accepted in two formats
- ServiceWA Screenshot
- Medicare COVID Digital
- Certificate PDF
3. If you come to XS during our staffed hours with your digital certificate on your phone, then one of our staff members will be able to assist you.
I’m Not Vaccinated and Don’t Plan to Be.
You can suspend your membership by emailing us at
What If I Don't Do Anything?
If you do not cancel or suspend your membership with XS Fitness, then it will continue regardless of if you have access or not. Paid in full members can pause their memberships but will not be able to request a refund. Members are responsible for any suspension of billing and membership.
New Requirement Applicable to All Members and Staff of XS Fitness
All people entering XS Fitness MUST check in upon arrival, on every occasion, by using the QR code located inside the front door.
Members are strictly not permitted to bring a non-member guest onto the premises, or to allow non-members use of their access cards, a new charge of $50 will be levied against any member not abiding by this requirement.